This snippet provides a way to display/Databinding Horse Info native UI.
-- Dataview dependency and lua 5.4 is required.
-- Implements pressing Q to show animal information.
-- Example on how to use is at the bottom of the file.
local ANIMAL_INFO_UIAPP_HASH <const> = `SHOP_BROWSING` -- Hash of the card UI App
local GAME_EVENT_TRIGGER_HASH <const> = `EVENT_PLAYER_PROMPT_TRIGGERED` -- Hash of the game event we're looking for
-- Data for the info card UI ("m_" just for intellisense sake to make my life a bit easier).
local m_InfoCardData = {
-- If we're showing an info card currently
bShowing = false,
-- Which entity we're showing the info card currently for
iEntity = 0,
-- Model of the entity.
hEntityModel = 0,
-- Data binding containers stored so we can remove them later on cleanup.
tDataBinding = {}
-- Source for event stuff: https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/tree/master/AI/EVENTS
---Listens for a game event
---@param iEventGroup integer Which group/channel of events we should listen to
---@param hWhichEvent integer Hash of the event we are specifically looking for
---@param iEventDataSize integer Data size of the event. See the github link above.
---@param tOutTable table Table we will write event data into if the event triggers.
---@return boolean b Returns if we successfully got data of the event
local function ListenForPromptEvent(iEventGroup, hWhichEvent, iEventDataSize, tOutTable)
local iNumEvents = GetNumberOfEvents(iEventGroup)
if iNumEvents > 0 then
for i = 0, iNumEvents do
local hEventName = GetEventAtIndex(iEventGroup, i)
if hEventName == hWhichEvent then
local EventDataStruct = DataView.ArrayBuffer(iEventDataSize * 8)
EventDataStruct:SetInt32(8 * 0, 0)
EventDataStruct:SetInt32(8 * 1, 0)
EventDataStruct:SetInt32(8 * 2, 0)
EventDataStruct:SetInt32(8 * 3, 0)
EventDataStruct:SetInt32(8 * 4, 0)
EventDataStruct:SetInt32(8 * 5, 0)
EventDataStruct:SetInt32(8 * 6, 0)
-- just to make it easier we'll just write the data to a passed table
local bDataExists = Citizen.InvokeNative(0x57EC5FA4D4D6AFCA, 0, i, EventDataStruct:Buffer(), iEventDataSize) -- GET_EVENT_DATA
if bDataExists then
tOutTable[1] = EventDataStruct:GetInt32(8 * 0)
tOutTable[2] = EventDataStruct:GetInt32(8 * 1)
tOutTable[3] = EventDataStruct:GetInt32(8 * 2)
tOutTable[4] = EventDataStruct:GetInt32(8 * 3)
tOutTable[5] = EventDataStruct:GetInt32(8 * 4)
tOutTable[6] = EventDataStruct:GetInt32(8 * 5)
tOutTable[7] = EventDataStruct:GetInt32(8 * 6)
print('ListenForPromptEvent: bDataExists was false?!')
return false
return true
return false
---Returns a text label representing a horse's coat
---@param hModel integer Model hash of the horse
---@return string Coat
local function GetHorseCoatFromModel(hModel)
local tReturns <const> = {
[`A_C_DONKEY_01`] = 'COAT_NONE',
[`A_C_HORSE_MP_MANGY_BACKUP`] = 'COAT_MANGY', -- or COAT_NONE ? In latest game builds
return tReturns[hModel] or ''
local function ClampValue(value, min, max)
if value > max then
return max
elseif value < min then
return min
return value
---Launches the horse details UI app if the entity is a horse
---@param iEntity integer ID of the horse entity
---@param hModel integer Model hash of the horse entity
local function ShowHorseDetailsOnCard(iEntity, hModel)
local iInfoBox = DatabindingAddDataContainerFromPath('', 'InfoBox') -- Add the info box container
m_InfoCardData.tDataBinding.iInfoBox = iInfoBox -- Save data for the info box container for future use. This data is deleted on cleanup.
DatabindingAddDataString(iInfoBox, 'itemLabel', GetStringFromHashKey(GetDiscoverableNameHashAndTypeForEntity(iEntity))) -- Sets the title of the card.
DatabindingAddDataBool(iInfoBox, 'showHorseStats', true) -- Shows horse stats.
DatabindingAddDataBool(iInfoBox, 'isVisible', true) -- Makes info box visible.
DatabindingAddDataString(iInfoBox, 'HorseCoat', GetHorseCoatFromModel(hModel)) -- Sets the horse coat text.
-- Set the horse speed value
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseSpeedValue', GetAttributeBaseRank(iEntity, 5) + 1)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseSpeedMinValue', 0)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseSpeedMaxValue', 10)
local iBaseRank = GetAttributeBaseRank(iEntity, 5) + 1
local iBonusRank = GetAttributeBonusRank(iEntity, 5)
local iStatValue = ClampValue( iBaseRank + iBonusRank, 0, 10)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseSpeedEquipmentValue', iStatValue)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseSpeedEquipmentMinValue', 0)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseSpeedEquipmentMaxValue', 10)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseSpeedCapacityValue', ClampValue(iBaseRank + 3, 0, 10))
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseSpeedCapacityMinValue', 0)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseSpeedCapacityMaxValue', 10)
-- Set the horse acceleration value
iBaseRank = GetAttributeBaseRank(iEntity, 6) + 1
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseAccValue', iBaseRank)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseAccMinValue', 0)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseAccMaxValue', 10)
iBonusRank = GetAttributeBonusRank(iEntity, 6)
iStatValue = ClampValue(iBaseRank + iBonusRank, 0, 10)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseAccEquipmentValue', iStatValue)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseAccEquipmentMinValue', 0)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseAccEquipmentMaxValue', 10)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseAccCapacityValue', ClampValue(iBaseRank+2, 0, 10))
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseAccCapacityMinValue', 0)
DatabindingAddDataInt(iInfoBox, 'HorseAccCapacityMaxValue', 10)
-- Set the horse handling value
local iHandling = GetAttributeRank(iEntity, 4)
if iHandling == 0 or iHandling == 1 then
iHandling = 0
elseif iHandling == 2 or iHandling == 3 then
iHandling = 1
elseif iHandling == 4 or iHandling == 5 then
iHandling = 2
elseif iHandling == 6 or iHandling == 7 or iHandling == 8 or iHandling == 9 then
iHandling = 3
local sHandlingTextLabel = 'HORSE_HANDLING_HEAVY'
if iHandling == 1 then
elseif iHandling == 2 then
sHandlingTextLabel = 'HORSE_HANDLING_RACE'
elseif iHandling == 3 then
sHandlingTextLabel = 'HORSE_HANDLING_ELITE'
DatabindingAddDataString(iInfoBox, 'HorseHandling', sHandlingTextLabel)
---Sets information for an animal that is not a horse
---@param iEntity integer
local function ShowAnimalDetailsOnCard(iEntity)
local iInfoBox = DatabindingAddDataContainerFromPath('', 'InfoBox') -- Add info box container
m_InfoCardData.tDataBinding.iInfoBox = iInfoBox -- Store in memory for cleanup/later usage
DatabindingAddDataBool(iInfoBox, 'isVisible', true) -- Make box visible
-- Set title. Ideally this would be done with VarString but i couldn't get it to work for some reason.
DatabindingAddDataString(iInfoBox, 'itemLabel', GetStringFromHashKey(GetDiscoverableNameHashAndTypeForEntity(iEntity)))
DatabindingAddDataHash(iInfoBox, 'itemDescription', CompendiumGetShortDescriptionFromPed(iEntity)) -- Set description
---Activates an info card for an animal. Do note that the animal must be focused with rightclick or binoculars!
---@param b boolean true activates the card and false clears it
---@param iEntity integer ID of the entity.
local function SetAnimalInfoCardActive(b, iEntity)
if b and not m_InfoCardData.bShowing then
if not DoesEntityExist(iEntity) or not IsEntityAPed(iEntity) then -- Check if the entity is valid
print('SetAnimalInfoCardActive: Invalid iEntity')
local hModel = GetEntityModel(iEntity)
local bHorse = IsThisModelAHorse(hModel) == 1
local iEntry = bHorse and -649639953 or -1645363952
-- Ensure no UI is active.
if not m_InfoCardData.bShowing and CanLaunchUiappByHashWithEntry(ANIMAL_INFO_UIAPP_HASH, iEntry) ~= 1 then
print('SetAnimalInfoCardActive: Can not launch the ui app, is any other ui app active by any chance?')
if IsUiappActiveByHash(ANIMAL_INFO_UIAPP_HASH) ~= 1 then
-- If Animal Info uiapp isn't active, launch it
if IsUiappActiveByHash(ANIMAL_INFO_UIAPP_HASH) ~= 1 then
LaunchUiappByHashWithEntry(ANIMAL_INFO_UIAPP_HASH, iEntry)
-- If this is a horse, show horse details, if not then show animal details
if bHorse then
ShowHorseDetailsOnCard(iEntity, hModel)
SetShowInfoCard(PlayerId(), true) -- Changes Show Info prompt to Hide Info
-- Set some script data.
m_InfoCardData.iEntity = iEntity
m_InfoCardData.bShowing = true
m_InfoCardData.hEntityModel = GetEntityModel(iEntity)
elseif not b and m_InfoCardData.bShowing then
-- Release the data binding from memory.
for k, v in pairs(m_InfoCardData.tDataBinding) do
m_InfoCardData.tDataBinding = {}
m_InfoCardData.bShowing = false
if IsUiappActiveByHash(ANIMAL_INFO_UIAPP_HASH) == 1 then
SetShowInfoCard(PlayerId(), false) -- Changes Hide Info prompt to Show Info
m_InfoCardData.iEntity = 0
m_InfoCardData.hEntityModel = 0
---Should be called once the resource stops.
function CleanupAnimalInfoHud()
---Should be called every frame.
function UpdateAnimalInfoThisFrame()
local iPlayerID = PlayerId() -- Our player ID
if m_InfoCardData.bShowing then -- If the card UI is showing
-- This code block handles changing animals with binoculars
local _, iEntity = GetPlayerTargetEntity(iPlayerID)
local hEntityModel = GetEntityModel(iEntity)
local bIsModelDifferent = hEntityModel ~= m_InfoCardData.hEntityModel
-- We looked at a different entity
if m_InfoCardData.iEntity ~= iEntity then
if bIsModelDifferent then -- We're looking at a different animal, so let's close the card
elseif not bIsModelDifferent then -- The animal is the same, let's just update the entity in the card data table
m_InfoCardData.iEntity = iEntity
m_InfoCardData.hEntityModel = hEntityModel
-- Returns if this ui prompt is active https://i.imgur.com/z4qY6XT.png
-- We check if this is 1 because the native returns 0 if this is false and lua thinks that 'not 0' is false
if GetIsPlayerUiPromptActive(iPlayerID, 35) == 1 then
local tOutTable = {}
if ListenForPromptEvent(0, GAME_EVENT_TRIGGER_HASH, 10, tOutTable) then
local iPromptType, b, iEntity, d, e, f, g = table.unpack(tOutTable)
if iPromptType == 35 and b == 16 and d == 0 then
SetAnimalInfoCardActive(not m_InfoCardData.bShowing, iEntity)
if m_InfoCardData.bShowing then
SetAnimalInfoCardActive(false) -- close the card when we stop focusing on an entity
-- Example use
AddEventHandler('onResourceStop', function(resourceName)
if resourceName == GetCurrentResourceName() then
while true do
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