This snippet provides a way to display honor notifications in RedM.
- RedM server
- LIB.DataView (A Dataview can be found in github)
- Basic understanding of RedM natives
function PlayLowHonor()
-- Play the honor level animation effect
AnimpostfxPlay("PlayerHonorLevelBad") -- Use "PlayerHonorLevelGood" for positive honor
-- Create notification strings
local str1 = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA925AC00EB830B9, 2, "PLAYER_HONOR_CHANGE_NEG", Citizen.ResultAsLong())
local str2 = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA925AC00EB830B9, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", "ITEMTYPE_TEXTURES", Citizen.ResultAsLong())
local str3 = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA925AC00EB830B9, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", "Honor_Display_Sounds", Citizen.ResultAsLong())
local str4 = Citizen.InvokeNative(0xFA925AC00EB830B9, 10, "LITERAL_STRING", "Honor_Decrease_Small", Citizen.ResultAsLong())
-- Initialize data buffers
local charPtr0 = LIB.DataView.ArrayBuffer(16)
charPtr0:SetInt64(0, str1)
local charPtr1 = LIB.DataView.ArrayBuffer(16)
charPtr1:SetInt64(0, str2)
local charPtr2 = LIB.DataView.ArrayBuffer(16)
charPtr2:SetInt64(0, str3)
local charPtr3 = LIB.DataView.ArrayBuffer(16)
charPtr3:SetInt64(0, str4)
-- Configure notification structure
local struct1 = LIB.DataView.ArrayBuffer(128)
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 0, 1000) -- Duration
struct1:SetInt64(8 * 1, charPtr2:GetInt64(0)) -- Sound category
struct1:SetInt64(8 * 2, charPtr3:GetInt64(0)) -- Sound name
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 3, 0) -- Additional parameters
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 4, 0)
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 5, 0)
struct1:SetInt64(8 * 6, 0) -- Secondary subtitle
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 7, 0)
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 8, 0)
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 9, 0)
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 10, 0)
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 11, 0)
struct1:SetInt32(8 * 12, 0)
-- Configure display structure
local struct2 = LIB.DataView.ArrayBuffer(128)
struct2:SetInt32(8 * 0, 0) -- Initialize
struct2:SetInt64(8 * 1, charPtr0:GetInt64(0)) -- Title text
struct2:SetInt64(8 * 2, charPtr1:GetInt64(0)) -- Subtitle text
struct2:SetInt32(8 * 3, `TRANSACTION_HONOR_BAD`) -- Transaction type
struct2:SetInt32(8 * 4, 0) -- Sound flag
struct2:SetInt32(8 * 5, `COLOR_PURE_WHITE`) -- Text color
struct2:SetInt32(8 * 6, 0)
struct2:SetInt32(8 * 7, 0)
-- Display the notification
Citizen.InvokeNative(0xB249EBCB30DD88E0, struct1:Buffer(), struct2:Buffer(), 1)
-- Test command
RegisterCommand("testlowhonor", function()
end, false)
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