[FREE] BLN Lasso on Belt - RedM Script

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BLN Lasso on Belt

bln Lasso on Belt script - redm

Realistically display your lasso on your character's belt when equiped from inventory but not in use!.

Note ⚠️

I made a more advanced script for belt attachments which comes with synced attachements feature between all players, unlike this one. More Info: https://github.com/blnStudio/bln_belt_attachments


  • Automatically shows/hides lasso on your belt.
  • Smooth transitions when equipping/unequipping
  • Works with both male & female characters
  • Fully adjustable positioning
  • Supports both regular and reinforced lassos.

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  1. Download the bln_belt_lasso script
  2. Place it in your server's resources folder
  3. Add ensure bln_belt_lasso to your server.cfg

🛠️ Usage

The script works automatically once installed. When you have a lasso in your inventory:

  • Lasso appears on your belt when equipped.
  • Automatically hide/show lassow when use.


Created by BLN Studio Feel free to contribute to this project!



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