The #1 Ultimate RedM Notifications System | Standalone | All in one | BLN Notify
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BLN Notify

A standalone, flexible, and customizable notification system for RedM servers.
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✨ Features
- 🌐 RTL (Right-to-Left) support for multilingual notifications
- 📚 Predefined templates for easily reusable notifications
- 🧭 Support for all directions (9 placement options)
- 📱 Responsive design for various screen sizes
- 🎵 Customizable notification sounds
- 🎛️ Support for both advanced and simple notifications
- 🌈 Dynamic text coloring with inline color codes
- 🖼️ Inline images in text using
syntax - ⌨️ Interactive key bindings with visual indicators
- 📊 Progress indicators (bar and circle types)
- 🎭 Flexible icon support (URL or local img name)
- ⏱️ Customizable duration for each notification
- 🔀 Adjustable content alignment (start, center, end)
- 🎬 Animated entrance and exit effects
- 🖥️ Both client-side and server-side triggering options
- 🛠️ Easy to integrate with existing resources
- 🎮 Designed specifically for RedM servers (Standalone)
Client-Side Usage
To send a notification from the client-side:
TriggerEvent("bln_notify:send", options)
-- OR
TriggerEvent("bln_notify:send", options, template)
Basic Example
TriggerEvent("bln_notify:send", {
title = "~#ffcc00~Hello!~e~",
description = "This is a ~red~basic~e~ notification with ~img:info~ icon.",
icon = "generic_list",
placement = "middle-right"
-- With Template
TriggerEvent("bln_notify:send", {
description = "This is a success template notification.",
placement = "middle-right"
Advanced Example with Progress and Key Actions
TriggerEvent("bln_notify:send", {
title = "~#ffcc00~Advanced Example~e~",
description = "Press ~key:E~ to accept or ~key:F6~ to decline",
icon = "warning",
placement = "middle-left",
duration = 10000,
progress = {
enabled = true,
type = 'circle', -- or 'bar'
color = '#ffcc00'
keyActions = {
['E'] = "accept", -- action name used when listen
['F6'] = "decline"
Notification Options
Option | Description | Default | Required/Optional |
placement | Position of the notification | "top-right" | Optional |
title | Title of the notification | "Notification" | Required |
description | Description text for the notification | null | Optional |
duration | Time in milliseconds before auto-removal | 5000 | Optional |
icon | Icon name or URL | null | Optional |
useBackground | Whether to use background image | true | Optional |
contentAlignment | Content alignment | "start" | Optional |
isRTL | Right-to-left text direction | false | Optional |
progress | Progress indicator options | null | Optional |
keyActions | Key binding actions | null | Optional |
customSound | Custom notification sound | Default sounds | Optional |
Key Actions & Event Handling
Key actions allow you to add interactive key bindings to your notifications. When a specified key is pressed, it triggers an event that you can listen to in your scripts.
Basic Usage Example
-- Send notification with key actions
TriggerEvent("bln_notify:send", {
title = "Interaction Available",
description = "Press ~key:E~ to interact or ~key:F6~ to cancel",
duration = 10000,
keyActions = {
-- ['key_name'] = 'action_name'
['E'] = "accept", -- 'accept' is the action name that will be triggered
['F6'] = "decline" -- 'decline' is the action name
-- Listen for key press events in your script
AddEventHandler("bln_notify:keyPressed", function(action)
if action == "accept" then
print("accept key was pressed!")
-- Do your accept logic here
elseif action == "decline" then
print("decline key was pressed!")
-- Do your decline logic here
: The key names are specific to RedM's key mapping system. Make sure to use the correct key names in yourkeyActions
configuration, list of allowed keys can be found atclient/keys.lua
- Key icons: to show key icon in a notification description, use as
. Thename
can be anything likeE
..etc. Its only a text in view, so it does not affect the key actions above if we put anything.
Progress Options
progress = {
enabled = true, -- Enable/disable progress indicator
type = 'bar', -- 'bar' or 'circle with countdown'
color = '#ffcc00' -- Custom color for progress
Text Formatting
Can add color anywhere in your text (title or description).
Color Formatting
- Named colors:
~red~colored text~e~
- Hex colors:
~#ffcc00~colored text~e~
Image Formatting
You can add inline images/icons to notification's description as follows:
- Icon name or URL, e.g.
Predefined templates available in Config.Templates
: Information notifications with blue stylingSUCCESS
: Success messages with green stylingERROR
: Error messages with red stylingREWARD_MONEY
: Reward notifications with gold stylingTIP
: Simple tip notificationsTIP_XP
: Specialized tip notifications
Demo Commands
Test commands available in game:
/bln_notify_allAdvanced [RTL]
: Show all placement demos/bln_notify_allTips [RTL] [icon]
: Show all tip types/bln_notify_progress [type]
: Show progress notification/bln_notify_key
: Show key binding notification/bln_notify_template [template] [title] [desc]
: Test templates/bln_notify [RTL] [title] [desc] [icon] [placement]
: Custom notification
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