🐎 BLN Shout on Horse

Enhance your horse riding experience with immersive voice lines! Your character will naturally react while riding, jumping, and interacting with their horse, just like in the original RDR2 story mode.
✨ Features
- Dynamic voice lines when spurring your horse
- Authentic calming voices when patting your horse
- Realistic reactions during horse jumps
- Gender-specific voice lines (male/female characters)
- Smooth voice line transitions with cooldown system
- Network sync - all players can hear your character's reactions
- Uses original RDR2 voice lines
- Realistic event-based detection for horse interactions
🎮 Preview
📥 Installation
- Download the
script - Place it in your server's
folder - Add
ensure bln_horse_shouts
to yourserver.cfg
🛠️ Configuration
The script is highly configurable through the config.lua
Config = {
MinTimeBetweenVoices = 5.0, -- Minimum time between voice lines
MaxTimeBetweenVoices = 15.0 -- Maximux time between voice lines
ChanceToSpeak = 85, -- Percentage chance to trigger voice lines
VoiceLines = {
male = {
sprint = {...}, -- Voice lines for spurring
pat = {...}, -- Voice lines for calming
jump = {...} -- Voice lines for jumping
female = {
-- Female character voice lines
Credits 🙏
Created by BLN Studio Feel free to contribute to this project!
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