RedM Hogtie Break System - Player Distance Based Escape

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Hogtie Break System

Script Overview 🪢

This script implements a realistic hogtie escape system that prevents players from breaking free when other players are nearby, enhancing roleplay immersion.

Key Features

  • Automatic hogtie state detection
  • Distance-based escape restriction
  • Performance-optimized execution
  • Configurable range settings

How It Works

The script uses two main components:

Player Range Detection

function GetPlayersInRange(range)
    local playersInRange = {}
    local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
    local playerId = PlayerId()
    local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)

    for _, player in ipairs(GetActivePlayers()) do
        local tgt = GetPlayerPed(player)

        if player ~= playerId then
            local targetCoords = GetEntityCoords(tgt)
            local distance = #(coords - targetCoords)

            if distance <= range then
                table.insert(playersInRange, GetPlayerServerId(player))

    return playersInRange

Main Control Loop

    while true do
        local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
        local hogtied = Citizen.InvokeNative(0x3AA24CCC0D451379, playerPed)

        if hogtied then
            DisableControlAction(1, 0x6E9734E8, true)
            Citizen.InvokeNative(0xB8DE69D9473B7593, playerPed, 15)

            local playersInRange = GetPlayersInRange(20.0)

            if #playersInRange == 0 then
                cantBreakFree = false
                cantBreakFree = true
                DisableControlAction(1, 0x295175BF, true)
            cantBreakFree = true

Implementation Notes

  1. Performance Optimization

    • Uses dynamic wait times
    • Quick updates when hogtied (0ms)
    • Reduced checks when free (2000ms)
  2. Range Configuration

    • Default range: 20.0 units
    • Easily adjustable for different needs
    • Measured in game world units
  3. Control Management

    • Disables break-free action near players
    • Uses native RedM controls
    • Prevents exploit abuse

Usage Instructions

  1. Add the script to your server's resource folder
  2. Ensure proper load order in server.cfg
  3. Configure range value if needed
  4. Restart your server

Technical Details

  • Native Function Calls:
    • 0x3AA24CCC0D451379: Hogtie state check
    • 0x6E9734E8: Break free control
    • 0xB8DE69D9473B7593: Ped action flags

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