Complete Guide to FiveM/RedM Server Hosting and Port Forwarding

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Complete Guide to FiveM/RedM Server Hosting

Setting up a FiveM or RedM server requires proper port configuration depending on your hosting environment. This guide covers all the common hosting scenarios and their specific requirements.

Windows Home Hosting (Local PC)

When hosting a server on your personal computer, you'll need to configure both your computer's firewall and your router.

Opening Ports on Windows

You have two options for configuring the Windows Firewall:

Option 1: Using Windows Firewall GUI

  1. Open Windows Firewall
  2. Go to Advanced Settings
  3. Select Inbound Rules
  4. Add the required rules manually for ports 30120 (TCP/UDP) and 40120 (TCP)

Option 2: Using Command Line

Open Command Prompt or PowerShell as Administrator and run these commands:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FXServer-TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=30120
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FXServer-UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=30120
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="txAdmin-TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=40120

Router Configuration

  1. Access your router's admin panel (typically
  2. Locate the Port Forwarding section
  3. Create forwarding rules for:
    • Port 30120 TCP/UDP (FXServer)
    • Port 40120 TCP (txAdmin web interface)
  4. Test your configuration using YouGetSignal's Port Checker

Note: Router configuration varies by manufacturer. Search for "[Your Router Model] port forwarding guide" for specific instructions.

Windows VPS Hosting

VPS hosting simplifies the process as you typically don't need to worry about router configuration.

Configuring Windows VPS Firewall

Use either of these methods:

Option 1: Windows Firewall GUI

Same steps as Windows Home Hosting:

  1. Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings
  2. Inbound Rules
  3. Add rules for ports 30120 (TCP/UDP) and 40120 (TCP)

Option 2: Command Line Configuration

Run these commands in an elevated Command Prompt or PowerShell:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FXServer-TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=30120
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FXServer-UDP" dir=in action=allow protocol=UDP localport=30120
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="txAdmin-TCP" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=40120

VPS Provider Firewall

  1. Test port accessibility using YouGetSignal
  2. If ports are closed, check your VPS provider's control panel for firewall settings
  3. Contact your provider's support if you need assistance

Linux VPS Hosting

Linux configuration varies by distribution. Here's a general overview:

Opening Ports on Linux

Different distributions use different firewall systems:

  • Ubuntu/Debian: UFW
  • CentOS: firewalld
  • Other distros may use iptables directly

Research the specific commands for your chosen distribution to open:

  • Port 30120 TCP/UDP (FXServer)
  • Port 40120 TCP (txAdmin)

Provider Firewall Settings

  1. Verify port accessibility with YouGetSignal
  2. Check provider's control panel for additional firewall settings
  3. Contact provider support if needed

Game Server Providers

When using dedicated game server providers (like ZAP or Pterodactyl):

  • No manual port configuration is required
  • Ports are pre-configured by the provider
  • Contact provider support for any connectivity issues

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Port Testing

    • Always use YouGetSignal to verify port accessibility
    • Test both TCP and UDP ports separately
  2. Common Issues

    • Multiple firewalls (antivirus software may block ports)
    • Incorrect local IP in port forwarding
    • ISP blocking required ports
  3. Verification Steps

    • Confirm server is running
    • Check server logs for binding errors
    • Verify correct IP addresses in configurations
    • Test local access before external access

Additional Resources

  • Official FiveM Documentation
  • Your router's manufacturer website for port forwarding guides
  • VPS provider's knowledge base
  • Game server provider's support documentation


This guide is based on information provided by txAdmin. Thanks to their team for the original documentation.

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