BLN Wheel Menu - The Most Authentic Radial Menu for RedM

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BLN Wheel Menu - RedM Script

🌟 Experience the Most Authentic Wheel Menu for RedM

Introducing BLN Wheel Menu - a premium radial menu system built using native RedM functions, offering the smoothest and most authentic experience possible. Say goodbye to laggy NUI-based menus and hello to seamless, game-like interaction!

✨ Why Choose BLN Wheel Menu?

  • 🚀 Native Implementation - Built using game natives for that authentic RedM feel
  • Zero NUI Impact - No performance hit from web-based interfaces
  • 🎯 Pixel-Perfect Recreation - Matches the original game's wheel menu design
  • 🎨 Fully Customizable - Easy to configure and adapt to your server's needs
  • 🔥 Resource-Friendly - Minimal performance impact on your server
  • 💫 8 Quick-Access Items - Perfect for your most essential features

📺 Preview

📋 Quick Setup

  1. Add to your resources folder
  2. Add ensure bln_wheel to your server.cfg
  3. Configure your menu items
  4. Enjoy!

⚙️ Configuration

The menu can be fully customized through the config.lua file:

Key Binding

Config = {
    toggleKey = 0x8AAA0AD4, -- LEFT ALT by default

Visual Settings

Config = {
    -- Background color (RGBA)
    bgColor = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 200 },
    -- Hover color (RGB)
    hoverColor = { r = 219, g = 2, b = 2 },
    -- Text color (RGBA)
    textColor = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255 },
    -- Enable/Disable zoom effect
    zoomEffectEnabled = true

🎯 Adding Menu Items

The wheel menu supports up to 8 items for quick access to your essential features. Adding items is straightforward and requires minimal coding knowledge. Simply add your items to the config:

    label = "Item Name",                    -- Display name
    icon = {
        texture_dict = "texture_dictionary", -- Icon texture dictionary
        texture_name = "texture_name"        -- Icon texture name
    color = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255 }, -- Icon color (RGBA)
    action = function()                     -- Action to execute when clicked
        -- Your code here

💡 Example Item

    label = "Clothes Menu",
    icon = { 
        texture_dict = "inventory_items_mp", 
        texture_name = "clothing_generic_m_sweater" 
    color = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255 },
    action = function()

🎨 Customization

Easily customize colors, key bindings, and effects through the config file:

  • Toggle key
  • Background color
  • Hover effects
  • Text appearance
  • Zoom effects

🎨 Color Schemes Ready Examples

🌟 Classic Dark (Default)

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 200 },          -- Solid black with transparency
    hoverColor = { r = 219, g = 2, b = 2 },              -- Bright red
    textColor = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255 },  -- Pure white

🌅 Western Sunset

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 139, g = 69, b = 19, a = 200 },      -- Dark brown with transparency
    hoverColor = { r = 255, g = 140, b = 0 },            -- Dark orange
    textColor = { r = 255, g = 248, b = 220, a = 255 },  -- Cornsilk white

🌌 Night Sky

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 25, g = 25, b = 112, a = 200 },      -- Midnight blue
    hoverColor = { r = 138, g = 43, b = 226 },           -- Blue violet
    textColor = { r = 176, g = 196, b = 222, a = 255 },  -- Light steel blue

🍃 Forest Theme

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 34, g = 56, b = 34, a = 200 },       -- Dark forest green
    hoverColor = { r = 107, g = 142, b = 35 },           -- Olive drab
    textColor = { r = 245, g = 245, b = 220, a = 255 },  -- Beige

🏜️ Desert Sand

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 160, g = 82, b = 45, a = 200 },      -- Saddle brown
    hoverColor = { r = 210, g = 180, b = 140 },          -- Tan
    textColor = { r = 255, g = 235, b = 205, a = 255 },  -- Blanched almond

🌑 Stealth Mode

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 47, g = 47, b = 47, a = 200 },       -- Dark gray
    hoverColor = { r = 105, g = 105, b = 105 },          -- Dim gray
    textColor = { r = 192, g = 192, b = 192, a = 255 },  -- Silver

💎 Royal Theme

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 25, g = 25, b = 112, a = 200 },      -- Dark blue
    hoverColor = { r = 218, g = 165, b = 32 },           -- Goldenrod
    textColor = { r = 240, g = 230, b = 140, a = 255 },  -- Khaki

🔥 Ember

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 128, g = 0, b = 0, a = 200 },        -- Maroon
    hoverColor = { r = 255, g = 140, b = 0 },            -- Dark orange
    textColor = { r = 255, g = 228, b = 196, a = 255 },  -- Bisque

🌊 Ocean Deep

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 0, g = 51, b = 102, a = 200 },       -- Deep blue
    hoverColor = { r = 32, g = 178, b = 170 },           -- Light sea green
    textColor = { r = 240, g = 248, b = 255, a = 255 },  -- Alice blue

🍇 Purple Dusk

Config = {
    bgColor = { r = 48, g = 25, b = 52, a = 200 },       -- Dark purple
    hoverColor = { r = 147, g = 112, b = 219 },          -- Medium purple
    textColor = { r = 230, g = 230, b = 250, a = 255 },  -- Lavender

To apply any of these themes, simply copy the color configuration and replace the existing color settings in your config.lua file. Remember that you can also adjust the alpha (a) values to control transparency (0-255).

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